
New innovative main line with heat recovery

On the demonstration site in Høje-Taastrup municipality a new type of multimedia pipe system with heat recovery has been installed in the distribution network. The product developed shows that it is possible to integrate collector pipes in standard district heating pipes to recover heat and minimise heat loss.

New type of PE-RT pipes with leakage detection

The possibility to detect potential leakage in a DH (or LTDH) system is crucial. In COOL DH, plastic media pipes are used instead of the classic steel media pipes. This requires a slightly different solution to detect leakage.

Heat-recovery enabled pipes

In classic district heating grids, up to 15-20 % of all the energy produced does not reach the customers due to heat losses. This is a weakness with district heating which we are addressing in COOL DH.
Image of heat exhanger, heat pump and energy meter

Xplorion – a pioneering multi family building with climate friendly solutions

Xplorion in Lund is a world-class innovation project for those who want to live sustainable. The building focuses on climate-smart solutions that are highly present in the tenant’s everyday life. Two solutions within COOL DH are demonstrated in Xplorion: Local energy solution with heat pump hot water topping and an innovative three-pipe solution.

Prototype for new multimedia pipe types for LTDH distribution system

This deliverable investigates the possibility of implementing a heat recovery system in the distribution pipes of a district heating network. The aim with the multimedia pipes is to minimise the heat losses from the distribution pipes.

Draft design manual for new pipe components for LTDH distribution systems underground

The implementation of LTDH network and the development of the DH pipes production allow the use of in flexible plastic pipes also for main lines. This deliverable provides the draft of the installation manual of the new pipe components for LTDH distribution systems in Høje-Taastrup and Lund.