New innovative main line with heat recovery


On the demonstration site in Høje-Taastrup municipality a new type of multimedia pipe system with heat recovery has been installed in the distribution network. The product developed shows that it is possible to integrate collector pipes in standard district heating pipes to recover heat and minimise heat loss.

To further reduce costs and make district heating even more effective, a challenge is to minimise the heat losses from the distribution network. In order to do so, new innovative pipe systems that better handle heat recovery and minimise heat losses are essential. Therefore, Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme a.m.b.a. together with COWI has developed a new type of multimedia pipe with heat recovery for the COOL DH demonstration site in Høje-Taastrup.

The product developed and installed

The product developed integrates collector pipes in standard district heating pipes. The aim of the collector pipes is to carry different media and/or media with different temperature levels, so that the heat losses from the pipes and heat from the surrounding soil can be collected. In this way, the heat losses from the district heating pipe are minimised and eventually lowered to zero, and might even reach a negative heat loss.

The heat recovery solution is implemented in a real scale demonstration site located in Høje-Taastrup Municipality. The zero-energy loss pipe system is used for the main supply line to a city district called Østerby where the network was upgraded and converted into low temperature. The recovery pipe is applied to 350 meter of main distribution pipe that connects the shopping mall CITY2 to the Østerby district. The heat collected in the process returns to the media pipes by use of a heat pump.

The multimedia pipes entering CITY 2 Mall (LTDH twin for Østerby district, heat recovery pipes, DH flow and return, District Cooling flow and return and IT cables.)

Interested in more information?

This is a confidential deliverable in the COOL DH-project. However, we are more than happy to answer questions if you are interested in similar solutions. Please contact:

Emanuele Zilio, Cowi:

Uffe Schleiss, Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme a.m.b.a: