
Video: COOL DH in Høje-Taastrup

A smart energy system coming to place in Høje-Taastrup

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In this video you will see how low-temperature district heating and large heat pumps are an essential element in Høje Taastrup District Heating and Høje-Taastrup Municipality's collaborative journey towards an efficient, flexible and smart energy system.

New innovative main line with heat recovery

On the demonstration site in Høje-Taastrup municipality a new type of multimedia pipe system with heat recovery has been installed in the distribution network. The product developed shows that it is possible to integrate collector pipes in standard district heating pipes to recover heat and minimise heat loss.

Prototype for new multimedia pipe types for LTDH distribution system

This deliverable investigates the possibility of implementing a heat recovery system in the distribution pipes of a district heating network. The aim with the multimedia pipes is to minimise the heat losses from the distribution pipes.

Draft design manual for new pipe components for LTDH distribution systems underground

The implementation of LTDH network and the development of the DH pipes production allow the use of in flexible plastic pipes also for main lines. This deliverable provides the draft of the installation manual of the new pipe components for LTDH distribution systems in Høje-Taastrup and Lund.

Calculator on savings for new high-efficient pipe types for internal distribution in buildings

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This deliverable presents the calculation tool and guidelines for calculating the heat loss from the distribution pipes in buildings.
Emanuele Zilio

New design concepts for optimisation of LTDH distribution systems

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In this report you will learn about the design process of a low-temperature district heating network, highlighting the design factors that lead to reduction of heat losses in the distribution pipes. To demonstrate the technology, two real-scale demonstration projects are described in Høje-Taastrup, Denmark and in Lund, Sweden. Emanuele Zilio, engineer at COWI A/S, gave a short interview to summarize the report

Solutions for local integration of renewable energy sources (RES)

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This deliverable summarizes and gives an overview of existing and newly developed technical solutions used for the domestic hot water production that can be implemented in low temperature or ultra-low temperature district heating networks, and that can increase the share of renewable energy in the building sector.

How to optimize cascade couplings for best use of low temperature sources

Kraftringen and COWI A/S have worked together on a paper that describes the analysis of energy efficiency in heat pump systems that recover waste heat from low temperature heat sources for District Heating. Martin Gierow, chemical engineer and…
COOL DH Kick-off

COOL DH – a pioneering project for district heating solutions

Welcome to COOL DH! In this project, we will develop new and path-breaking solutions for district heating and demonstrate state of the art example of district heating systems that are adapted to a sustainable energy system. COOL DH will…