Follow the links to find all COOL DH public reports. We hope that they will inspire and give you new insights on how to improve the efficiency on district heating and cooling systems.
Summary Report
This report summarizes all deliverables in COOL DH.
Download the COOL DH Summary Report here.
Deliverables on COOL DH innovations
Download reports and learn more about innovations within the COOL DH-project. The main focus is to propose and to develop integrated smart city LTDH system solutions and system optimisation.
Continue to COOL DH innovation reports and documents
Demonstration of COOL DH innovations
Download reports and learn more about demonstrations within the COOL DH-project.
Continue to COOL DH demonstration reports and documents
Business plans and legislations
From price models to legislative frameworks. In COOL DH we investigate how to make business in the world of LTDH.
Continue to business models and legislation
This is where we gather all webinars that we produce in COOL DH. We hope that they will provide you with some insights from the project that are useful for everyone working with district heating.
Information material and videos
On this page you will find information material about COOL DH.
Continue to information material
Find the results for our thematic workshops on demand, distribution and supply of LTDH.
Continue to results from workshops