COOL DH has come to an end

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After five years the COOL DH project has come to an end. Thank you everybody who has followed us over the years! During the project lifetime, we have planned, developed, researched, and implemented new ways of low-temperature district heating.…

Høje Taastrup Municipality has decided to go fossil free

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Høje Taastrup Municipality  has decided to go fossil free and to transform present natural gas heated areas to district heating (low temperature) and heat pumps. COOL DH is included in theese plans and have contributed to the transformation.…

Watch the COOL DH Conference afterwards

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Thank you all who attended our conference Towards next generation of district heating 18-19 May! We had two days in Greater Copenhagen where we talked about the European future of district heating, the results of the pioneer project COOL DH…

Don’t miss our conference 18-19 May

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Welcome to the COOL DH conference Towards next generation of district heating 18th and 19th of May Welcome to two days in Greater Copenhagen and a conference where we deep dive into the European future of district heating and the results…

Conference: Towards Next Generation of District Heating

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Welcome to the COOL DH conference   Towards next generation of district heating   18th and 19th of May It's now time to register! Welcome to two days in Greater Copenhagen and a conference where we deep dive into the European…
A picture of a bike in the winter.

Webinar: The vision – and the reality

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Now you can watch the Cool DH presentation “The world's largest LTDH network in Brunnshög" held at the LowTEMP Final Conference . Business developer Adam Jomaa at Kraftringen AB was one of the invited speakers and talked about some of the…

PV powered cascade heat pump installed in the Østerby district

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In Høje-Taastrup municipality a new heat pump system at the shopping mall CITY2 has been installed. The system supplies the new low-temperature district heating network in Østerby district demo case, including business and nearby hotels, recovering the waste heat from the cooling system.
Image of heat exhanger, heat pump and energy meter

Xplorion – a pioneering multi family building with climate friendly solutions

Xplorion in Lund is a world-class innovation project for those who want to live sustainable. The building focuses on climate-smart solutions that are highly present in the tenant’s everyday life. Two solutions within COOL DH are demonstrated in Xplorion: Local energy solution with heat pump hot water topping and an innovative three-pipe solution.
The image shows how the installation of the LTDH-service pipes in Osterby are close to the users' buildings in order to reduce the length of the network and consequently the heat losses.

From traditional DH to LTDH in Østerby

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A new low-temperature network has been designed to upgrade the old and obsolete traditional district heating-network in Høje-Taastrup. This report provides information about the final design and the implementation of the low-temperature district heating network and can be used as a guideline of the installation process for future similar projects.

Corona, webinars, CPS and new substations: COOL DH newsletter #4

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It has been a strange spring. Each person around the globe has felt the effects of the spread Covid-19, but so far it has had a relatively limited impact on the overall progress of the COOL DH-project. There has been some problems with deliveries…