Solutions for local integration of renewable energy sources (RES)
District heating, Innovation, Low temperature district heatingThis deliverable summarizes and gives an overview of existing and newly developed technical solutions used for the domestic hot water production that can be implemented in low temperature or ultra-low temperature district heating networks, and that can increase the share of renewable energy in the building sector.

Invitation to external partners to be part of a test bed for Low Temperature District Heating
Brunnshög, District heating, Low temperature district heatingKraftringen is building a unique low temperature district heating network. We invite external partners to demonstrate various innovative products and practises in this grid.
The test bed is under development, but we are open for ideas from…

System solutions for multifamily houses and tertiary buildings
Brunnshög, District heating, Høje-Taastrup, Low temperature district heatingThe pipe heat losses in the circulation of domestic hot water (DHW) can be high in comparison to the demand and use of DHW. Flat stations can be used in order to potentially lower these heat losses. Kraftringen, COWI A/S and Cetetherm have looked…

Development of short time and seasonal energy storage
District heating, Innovation, ØsterbyHøje Taastrup District Heating and COWI A/S have examined the potential of a short time and seasonal energy storage in the municipality of Høje-Taastrup. The storage will be established as an ATES plant. Uffe Shleiss from Høje Taastrup District…

LTDH connected appliances – eliminating electricity topping of temperature
Connected appliances, District heating, Low temperature district heating, ReportsKraftringen and COWI A/S have produced this report that shortly describes the technology and history of HWC (Heating Water Circuit) appliances, as well as traditional dishwashers that are connected to hot tap water and washing machines with both hot and cold water connections.

COOL DH newsletter #1: September 2018
Brunnshög, District heating, Newsletter, ØsterbyWelcome to COOL DH newsletter #1
With close to one year into the COOL DH project we are now ready to launch our first newsletter. Here you will find a mix of the status on each demo site, reports on the different deliverables and innovations…