Invitation to external partners to be part of a test bed for Low Temperature District Heating
Kraftringen is building a unique low temperature district heating network. We invite external partners to demonstrate various innovative products and practises in this grid.
The test bed is under development, but we are open for ideas from external participants. Some of the current ideas regard:
Production: Software for heat storage purposes, optimisation of the production facilities and of the production temperatures.
Distribution: Installing of a section of the grid where suppliers of pipe material can test and/or demonstrate new pipe materials in real conditions, testing of new methods for leakage detection and/or pipe material wear.
Demand side: Demonstrate new systems for heat exchangers and tap water or new local heating devices, software for customer cost optimisation, visualisation system for momentary heating cost, heated outside seating areas or other public spaces, test or demonstrate new legionella treatment equipment.
Administrative: Develop tool for evaluation and monitoring, business model/fee model for the test bed supplier, architectural design of an energy-optimised building.
Are you interested in taking part of the test bed? Please contact Martin Gierow, chemical engineer and project manager at Kraftringen: