Save the Date: Cool DH Conference 18th and 19th of May

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Welcome to the COOL DH conference Towards next generation of district heating Get to know the latest and visit the demo sites! Save the dates: 18th and 19th of May The two day conference will include hybrid lectures, guest speakers, panel…

Connection of Prosumers in Høje Taastrup

The transition to low-temperature supply in district heating networks as well as the transition towards renewable heat sources require new technical solutions that allow the introduction of new actors in the district heating sector. These new actors are defined as prosumers that are both connected to the district heating network as consumers and can deliver heat to the network. In Høje-Taastrup Municipality, different prosumers are already connected or in the process to be connected to the district heating and cooling network.

PV powered cascade heat pump installed in the Østerby district

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In Høje-Taastrup municipality a new heat pump system at the shopping mall CITY2 has been installed. The system supplies the new low-temperature district heating network in Østerby district demo case, including business and nearby hotels, recovering the waste heat from the cooling system.
The image shows how the installation of the LTDH-service pipes in Osterby are close to the users' buildings in order to reduce the length of the network and consequently the heat losses.

From traditional DH to LTDH in Østerby

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A new low-temperature network has been designed to upgrade the old and obsolete traditional district heating-network in Høje-Taastrup. This report provides information about the final design and the implementation of the low-temperature district heating network and can be used as a guideline of the installation process for future similar projects.

LTDH-district heating going live with valuable lessons learned – COOL DH newsletter #3

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We have entered a new decade and 2020 is an important year to make sure that we start phasing out fossil fuels more quickly than ever before. One of many ways to face this challenge is to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels in heating buildings.…
View from the roof of the spectacular Amager power plant in Copenhagen.

Joint workshop for COOL DH and Upgrade DH

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An innovation workshop was held in Copenhagen on 9th and 10th of October with participants from the two EU projects COOL DH and Upgrade DH. One main purpose of EU projects is to exchange knowledge across the borders. During a workshop combined…
Visualisation of XplorionLunds Kommun Fasitghets AB

Welcome to COOL DH newsletter #2

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The COOL DH-project is now closing its innovation process phase, which focused on different installation solutions for consumers, the distribution side and the production side.
Uffe Schleiss, technical manager at Høje-Taastrup Fjernvarm

Development of short time and seasonal energy storage

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Høje Taastrup District Heating and COWI A/S have examined the potential of a short time and seasonal energy storage in the municipality of Høje-Taastrup. The storage will be established as an ATES plant. Uffe Shleiss from Høje Taastrup District…

COOL DH newsletter #1: September 2018

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Welcome to COOL DH newsletter #1 With close to one year into the COOL DH project we are now ready to launch our first newsletter. Here you will find a mix of the status on each demo site, reports on the different deliverables and innovations…