Conference about the future of thermal grids

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During the conference “The Future of Thermal Grids” held in Malmö, Sweden, on 24th September 2019 low temperature district heating and cooling systems were discussed – among other the COOL DH project.

Smart, low temperature district heating and cooling systems offer new possibilities for greater energy efficiency by lowering heat losses and utilising more renewable energy and waste heat, especially in energy efficient buildings. This is the future of district heating.

Participants from district heating companies, municipalities, suppliers and universities were present at this conference. A peak view into pioneering new thermal networks was given, and examples of refurbishment and optimization of existing district heating grids to enable lower temperatures were shown. The challenges and the business models of the next generation district heating were discussed as well.

From the COOL DH project the participants listened to Sara Kralmark and Markus Falkvall from Swedish energy company Kraftringen, Reto Michael Hummelshøj from technical consulting group COWI, Denmark, and Klaus G Lauridsen from Logstor, Denmark, world leading manufacturer of preinsulated pipe systems.

The conference was arranged by the Sustainable Business Hub and Kraftringen under the sponsorship of the Interreg Baltic Sea Region project LowTEMP, and in cooperation with among other the COOL DH project.

Read more about the conference >>

Watch a recording of the conference >>