Welcome to COOL DH newsletter #2
The COOL DH-project is now closing its innovation process phase, which focused on different installation solutions for consumers, the distribution side and the production side. Some of the main findings were presented on the webinar in December that you can find on the following link: www.cooldh.eu/events/cool-dh-webinar/. All reports either are or will be published on the website: (https://www.cooldh.eu/reports/).
We have now entered a new phase in the project. The focus is shifting from innovation to demonstration of integrated smart city LTDH system solutions in Lund and in Høje-Taastrup. We invite you to keep following the project and hope to inspire new district heating solutions for sustainable and smart cities.
Status of the demo sites
The construction of Xplorion, a multi-family house with focus on sustainability, has begun. Xplorion is LKF’s, the municipal housing company of Lund, greatest investment in sustainable living so far. It will use LTDH, live up to the requirements in the passive house standard, be car free, have an electrical car and bike pool, use locally produced electricity with solar panels etc.
Looking closer at the LTDH-network, the main pipe to MAX IV will be built the second quarter of 2019. The first costumer will connect in the third quarter of 2019 with plastic pipes. The greater expansion of the plastic grid will start at the end of 2019 or beginning of 2020.
Logstor have developed new high-pressure polymer flex-pipes and installation in Østerby will start in April/May. In the first part of 2019 successful meetings with the tenants were held.
Management from the City2 Mall have positively evaluated a combined offer from Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme to implement a new combined district heating/cooling heat pump and new heat centrals owned/maintained by Høje Taastrup Fjernvarme. The contracts are yet to be signed. The legal framework has been clarified – but there is still some work left on how the heat pump-installation can optimally use the surplus electricity from the large PV-installation owned by the Mall.
The design of the new Town Hall in Høje-Taastrup has started and will be supplied with district cooling and low temperature district heating that is developed in COOL DH. The design of the energy system is now at work.
A kindergarten in the Østerby area, owned by the municipality, considers the possibility to connect to the new LTDH-system, as well as a special legionella treatment of the domestic hot water. The internal heat distribution system is investigated in order to suggest required improvements.
Reports and demonstration
Since the last newsletter we have published the following reports, videos and webinars:
Report: New design concepts for optimisation of LTDH-systems
Report: Solutions for local integration of renewable energy sources (RES)
Webinar: COOL DH Innovation Webinar
Video: COOL DH – a pioneering project for district heating solutions
Report: System solutions for multifamily houses and tertiary buildings
Report: Development of short time and seasonal energy storage
Report: LTDH connected appliances – eliminating electricity topping of temperature
Report: Solutions for avoiding risk of Legionella
Upcoming events
3rd April: Tekniklunch i Lund om forskning som ska värma bostäder
9th April: Hållbart byggande i Bunnshög
10th – 11th April: Fjärrvärmedagarna
8th May: Euroheat & Power Congress
17th of June: COOL DH Technical Workshop
COOL DH coverage
Social media
Make sure to look for #cool_dh on social media and follow the twitter accounts @EuroheatPower and @DHCPlus for the latest news on the project on the project. You can also follow the hashtag-feed on our website www.cooldh.eu.
Seminars and conferences
13 – 14th November 2018: Stora Biokraft- och Värmekonferensen
Sara Kralmark, project manager at Kraftringen, made a presentation on Stora Biokraft- och Värmekonferensen, a Swedish conference arranged by Svebio. The presentation focused on COOL DH and the world’s largest LTDH-grid in Brunnshög.
More information about the conference
23 – 24th January 2019: Distributionsdagarna
Distributionsdagarna is a Swedish, national conference targeting professionals within distribution of district heating. Anders Jirdén and Markus Falkvall from Kraftringen attended the conference to present COOL DH.
More information about the conference.
Articles and newsletters
Nordisk Energi (SE): lågtempererad fjärrvärme i Lund: http://www.e-magin.se/latestpaper/7j5vp1cf/paper#/paper/bngs887t/1
Until next time
We hope to see you in some of our upcoming events. Please visit our website www.cooldh.eu for continuous updates on the project and make sure to contact members of the consortium if you have any questions. You will find information about each partner on the following link: www.cooldh.eu/this-is-cool-dh/partners/