Conference about the future of thermal grids
District heating, Kraftringen, Low temperature district heatingDuring the conference “The Future of Thermal Grids” held in Malmö, Sweden, on 24th September 2019 low temperature district heating and cooling systems were discussed – among other the COOL DH project.
Smart, low temperature district…

The world’s largest LTDH network officially opened
Brunnshög, Kraftringen, Low temperature district heatingOn Tuesday 24th September the world’s largest low temperature district heating network was inaugurated in Brunnshög, the sustainable future district in the northeast part of Lund, Sweden. Science Village Scandinavia’s conference facility…

Don’t miss our webinars on 17th and 19th September
WebinarWelcome to join these webinars on business models, legislation frameworks and COOL DH-innovations. Also available for later viewing.