Welcome to COOL DH newsletter #2
Brunnshög, Low temperature district heating, Newsletter, ØsterbyThe COOL DH-project is now closing its innovation process phase, which focused on different installation solutions for consumers, the distribution side and the production side.

New design concepts for optimisation of LTDH distribution systems
Brunnshög, COWI, Høje-Taastrup, Low temperature district heating, Reports, UncategorizedIn this report you will learn about the design process of a low-temperature district heating network, highlighting the design factors that lead to reduction of heat losses in the distribution pipes. To demonstrate the technology, two real-scale demonstration projects are described in Høje-Taastrup, Denmark and in Lund, Sweden. Emanuele Zilio, engineer at COWI A/S, gave a short interview to summarize the report

Solutions for local integration of renewable energy sources (RES)
District heating, Innovation, Low temperature district heatingThis deliverable summarizes and gives an overview of existing and newly developed technical solutions used for the domestic hot water production that can be implemented in low temperature or ultra-low temperature district heating networks, and that can increase the share of renewable energy in the building sector.